Incremental Change is the Most Effective; Let's Gradually Introduce Beneficial Habits and Replace Unhealthy Ones

"I have never felt this good."

Reset Your Body

I meticulously design the Food Reset plans to reduce inflammation, combat bloat and cravings, boost immunity, detox the liver, give the adrenals a rest and to slow aging with cell renewal. I offer fresh, organic, healing foods while eliminating ingredients that commonly cause inflammation. No shakes, bars, powders or artificial ingredients.

The resets include three meals per day, plus snacks, targeted supplements, and a variety of beneficial teas. There are detailed instructions, plentiful information and support is provided. I source the finest seasonal ingredients available and use eco-friendly packaging. And you get a break from meal planning, shopping, and cooking while learning new healthy habits.

Let’s do food sensitivity testing, analyze symptoms and blood work to improve and personalize your diet with foods that work best for YOU. We will optimize your meals, exercise, hormones, sleep, and mindset so you are feeling and looking your best now and for the long haul.

Personalized Coaching

I’ll teach you quick and easy ways to prepare healthy meals you will truly enjoy. Let’s incorporate more delicious vegetables into your rotation. Want to learn one pot wonders with minimal clean up? Twenty-minute healthy meals? Sheet pan meals for the family? I’ve got you. 

Let's audit your pantry and set you up for success by getting rid of toxic foods and unhealthy ingredients and replacing them with better options.

Cooking parties with or without wine pairings also available.

Cooking Lessons & Classes

contact to learn more

Contact me to design bespoke wellness programs for groups.

Follow on Facebook and Instagram @sarahnelsonwellness for upcoming dates and pricing

“I’ve done many detoxes and cleanses. This was by far the best.”

A Customized Approach

Are you so overwhelmed by the tsunami of information that you don’t know where to begin? Or do you start a health kick with enthusiasm and then fall back into the same routines? Maybe your doctor suggested that you lose weight and exercise more, but it can be confusing to know how to do it.

"One size fits all" does not work! I will set you up for success with personalized recommendations for your diet, exercise, sleep, attitude, and relationships.


"It's crazy how much better I feel in 3 days. I've lost 5 lbs of bloat."

Client Love

“Working with Sarah has made a huge difference in my life. For starters, she has revolutionized my eating. She taught me to make better decisions at the grocery store, introduced me to new foods and ingredients, and showed me how to prepare easy, quick and delicious meals. Basically, when it comes to food or health, I do whatever Sarah tells me to do, and her advice leaves me feeling great!”

- m.

“I’m an MD, and I deal with lots of patients who could really use a Sarah on their team! She understands the holistic nature of wellness – how every aspect matters. You can have the best diet, but if you are unhappy in a relationship, not sleeping well, or not moving your body, you’re not going to feel good. Sarah is an amazing listener, and a gifted source for guidance.”

- D.

"I’ve tried every fad diet out there, and I mean every single one. Some worked for a while, but the weight always came back. Not anymore. Sarah created meal plans full of foods I love that satisfy me. The extra pounds are gone, along with gas, bloating, and constipation. She has also helped me get better sleep, improved how I exercise, and supported me through really stressful times. She is one of the most positive, non-judgmental people that I’ve ever met. And, she manages to make it all super fun."

- A.